Calm Health Ease Flow
These are some of our favorite things. Grounded and connected. In the flow. Living from our true authentic selves. Being in love with our lives, our bodies and expressing that joyfully, easily, safely and reliably in our lives, our relationships, and our work.
In short, being HAPPY!
So why aren’t we? What stands in our way?
Beliefs we've been given as children.
Beliefs we've chosen,
a host of experiences based on subtle, and sometimes not so subtle, messages we've received from the world, our families and even our heritage about our worth, our place, our abilities, our potential.
difficult or traumatic events that overwhelmed our ability to process them in the moment that are now stored in our bodies, informing all our current choices and beliefs
We live out of this set of 'instructions' about 90% of the time. And then we‘re confused about why we do what we do when in fact we want to make other choices.
How do you get HAPPY? YOU change the operating program! We can take a powerful step forward together with EFT.
Click on the "Get Started feeling better” button to see how powerful techniques can shift you and your biology right now!
Meet Your Guide
A video tour of my massage studio, sometimes EFT space.
For Portland (Oregon) clients who choose to come in person, my Massage Therapy studio doubles as our Tapping space. I’ve been doing massage and healing work in this space for over 30 years, so the space is steeped in a deep peace.
Most people come to sessions online.
Sessions are recorded if you agree, so you can review them again. You’ll get A LOT of benefit from listening and watching a second time. It’s like two sessions for the price of one! Work with me from the comfort of your own home, with no travel time.
My Services
EFT is generally considered both SAFE and EFFECTIVE. but it’s important we all have an understanding of what is being offered here and the conditions you are agreeing to by using my site. Please read the disclaimer by following this link: https://www.calmhealthease.com/disclaimer