Don’t worry be happy!
Managing stress is about having the resources to cope with life. If most of your resources are already being used dealing with the past, you don’t have much in the tank to deal with today’s problems. When people start tapping they want to quickly get to the place where they are past the issue, and ready to be happy. Understandable. But, moving on too quickly without thoroughly clearing an issue is like putting a band aid on a still dirty cut.
But, we can walk the twin roads of releasing stress and resolving old wounds, and developing the skills, or as I call them, the Habits, of Happiness.
EFT believes that stress is resolved at lower levels of intensity. Which makes a world of sense. The reason the emotional stress got stored in your body is that you didn’t have the resources available at the time of the incident to deal with it. So it got stored. When emotional energy, or patterns, are created they have to go somewhere! When you re-access them later they come back with the same level of intensity as when they were stored. The tapping part of EFT, creates a calm safe container of your body to safely and as easily as possible release this old stuff.
EFT is an energy/somatic approach to releasing stored stress in the body. Old patterns that no longer serve you. Combining bits of NLP, Western psychology and Eastern knowledge of the body’s energy meridians, EFT is a process for accessing old limiting limits and patterns in a safe and low intensity way for lasting results.
$350 for first three sessions/ bundled
$100 per session thereafter
The Habits of Happiness
While the process of clearing old negative beliefs is part 1 of a process, developing the habits of happiness is the second part. Just not being sad or mad anymore brings us back to neutral To THRIVE we need to also get happier. These habits are folded into to Tapping and are also offered as stand alone courses and workshops.
I ‘ll update this space when the courses are loaded into their new home