We all have it. It's a fact of life. Between jobs, kids, bosses, traffic, noise, and a hundred other daily stressors, most of us are operating at or beyond our limits much of the time.
Then something happens that tips us over. We fly into a rage over minor issues. Or something big comes along but we can’t think clearly enough to handle it. The main reason all this is so hard is: stress has used up all our emotional and mental and even physical resources.
EFT is the best and fastest way to relieve stress and replenish your resources.
With less stress we are more resilient and flexible, we can think clearly and our health is improved!
We like ourselves more - and so do other people!
EFT is one of the best and fastest ways to relieve stress and replenish your resources.
It is a fabulous tool to deal with current stresses. And it shines in this category because today's stress and pain is built on stuck trauma and old programs that are not serving your highest goals: being happy and healthy.
But that is just the starting point! With EFT we can find the source of today’s stress and not just make you feel better now - we can eliminate the source of your stress and eliminate it. So moving into the future, those same old ‘triggers’ won’t upset you anymore.
If you are unfamiliar with EFT, watch this video I made to explain the foundation and history that EFT, as we practice it today, was built on.
How stress is affecting you
You’ve been creating emotional energy patterns your whole life. They become your “come from” . The responses you don’t need to think about. And many of them are responses you don’t even know about! It’s the sub-conscious. A lot of it serves you still, but it’s the parts that don’t serve you well that you can change, with EFT.
There are 100+ research studies that demonstrate EFT's effectiveness and safety for relief of physical and emotional discomfort, as well as many other issues.
Just a very few issues that EFT can effectively address:
anxious thoughts
inability to just get moving in life
overwhelming fears of common every day things
low mood
troubling memories
sports performance
public speaking
exam taking
financial and career issues
weight loss
EFT is effective with so many issues because the common thread in all of them are emotions. And emotional energy drives the bus.
Energy psychology
EFT is a form of energy psychology. EP recognizes that emotions are stored in the body, and it takes a body approach (somatic) to access them. Or as I like to say, cognition is not clearing. EFT uses the body’s energy meridians AND the mind to clear both.
Initial EFT sessions
Beginning sessions are bundled into a package of 3. I’ve learned over the years that people need at least this much at the beginning to get some momentum with an issue, and experience with EFT.
When you begin working on an issue, there can be a lot of directions to go. It all feels so overwhelming and you are so ensconced in your story it can be bewildering to know where to start. I can help you sort out what’s important to clear first.
Initial bundle:$350
For follow up, tune up or additional issues. Working with a practitioner is the fastest and easiest way to clear out issues. A practitioner can see what you can’t see, and ask questions you’d never ask of yourself.
single sessions: $100