picture of Penny

Hi there, I'm Penny Hill. I've practiced as a Licensed Massage Therapist in private practice in Portland, OR. since 1990. My mission has always been to alleviate as much pain as possible. Some pain is natural. Some pain is useful. But I saw many of my clients suffering in ways I knew intuitively were not necessary. The human body (and mind) are quite pliable, but over the years I saw that sometimes healing did not happen. People got stuck. As skilled as I am, I did not have the right tools to get to the source of the pain and relieve it. 

What I was discovering was that up to 90% of the pain that we experience in our bodies is actually sourced in our subconscious and unprocessed emotions. Experience has shaped how we think about our lives. And our thoughts actually shape our bodies!

The body has a limited number of ways of signaling us. Am I anxious or excited? They feel much the same, don't they? How about hungry or bored? A little less clear, maybe. Back pain or hidden anger? Starts to get tricky. But when we get to the underlying (often hidden) beliefs that have shaped us, and change them to serve us better, we unlock a life with less physical and emotional pain. We embark on a life of freedom and joy.

I started tapping with EFT many years ago. It produced such dramatic changes for me that I knew I had to spread the word about this amazing process. I've also done extensive reading and practicing with energy techniques that are quick solutions to low energy.

I have gathered these tools together in my Habits of Happiness courses and workshops. I bring to the table many other tools and insights that I have used to counsel and coach my massage and EFT clients over the years. My mission is to relieve suffering and create a happier and healthier world. Starting with YOU!

There are exciting developments in the fields of epigenetics. EFT is one of the ways we can change our hormone profile, our thoughts and beliefs, which in turn up regulate certain gene expressions and down regulate others.

In short you do have the power to change your health and happiness. I’ve got some great tools for you!

The knowledge that the mind and body are one is meeting the science of how energy effects the expression of genes. That understanding gives us the tools we've been looking for to directly affect our health, our experience of pain and possibly change the course of illness, and our life. 


I hope you'll join me in some way along this journey! 

You can interact with me in the following ways:

Subscribe to my newsletter and get a free video to experience of the power of EFT

through my website at: CalmHealthEase.com

email: pheft22@gmail.com

I’m on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/lovetapping


Many Blessings Of Health and Peace.
