The Habits of Happiness

Imagine YOU... Happier

Imagine you healthier. Bringing more vitality and bounce to all areas of your life. Better rested, fitter, sparkling. 
Imagine you more creative. Bringing solutions to work problems, getting better results for clients, helping your kids flourish. Finding better ways to manage conflict, especially with your loved ones.  What would it be like to be less bothered with life's petty annoyances?

If calm and ease were no more than a few breaths away? 

What would life feel like if you could

  • sail through tests, and perform well on them

  • find resilience in the face of unexpected setbacks

  • confidently speak up at work

  • calmly stand in your space knowing your worth

  • be a light in the world

  • regularly see things in the most positive light

    (not just a set of rose colored glasses, but actually seeing the diamond in the muck) 

  • be healthier

  • be wealthier

In this course

I walk you step by step through the how, the why, and the what of developing more happiness.

Over the years I was sick and searching for my own path forward I read books, listened to TED talks, went to webinars and seminars, took courses and so much more. I learned a lot, and I put into practice what I was being taught. After years of learning, getting better and accumulating tools, at some point I realized that I had accumulated a body of knowledge, habits of living and thinking, that worked. This is the best of what I have learned so far.

It’s not a theory, it’s a roadmap.

Come with me and we’ll develop these skills…

Habit 1. The Habit of Self Love

No happiness or health or success can be built until we love ourselves. This habit and it’s exercises develop the ability to hold ourselves in high esteem, to like and love ourselves. You are who the Universe most wanted to be right now, so how could you regard yourself as any less?

Habit 3. The Power of Gratitude

The habit of gratitude opens the door to a heart centered life, and lets you off the hedonic treadmill; you’ll learn about Hebbs Law, gracious receiving and how to use EFT to release the shadow fears that can come with what you are grateful for.

5. The Habit of a Heart Centered Life.

The heart is not a pump. It’s the center of your physical, emotional and spiritual experience. It’s where all the energies that make up ‘you’ converge. Where we receive and give love. And just as we take care of our physical heart with good food and exercise, we must the nurture the whole heart with our thoughts as well. On the map of your life, it’s the “YOU ARE HERE” location

7. The Habit of Meditation

Everything you’ve learned and practiced so far in this course will all come together here. You’ve been practicing letting go, and shifting your emotions with gratitude, learning to focus on and live from your heart. Practicing loving yourself and others; getting comfortable in the body and locating the ‘seat of your soul’ inside yourself. With all this practice you’ve set the stage for truly effective meditation. We’ll go through the science of meditation, and I’ll connect you to a resource that will allow you meditate effectively & joyfully, right out of the gate.

Habit 2. The Habit of Self Discovery and Letting Go

As you’ve moved through life you’ve accumulated stress in your body and beliefs that no longer serve you. In this section you’ll learn how to use EFT or tapping to use EFT to rewire your brain to support you and the highest, happiest version of you that you can imagine.

4. The Habit of Peace in the body.

This section will focus on helping you find yourself in your body, activating the power already built into your nervous system, making peace with your body, releasing any betrayal you feel about your health, and a whole lot more.

6. The Habit of Using your Words with Power.

Is life happening to you or for you? Our brains have a powerful ability to shape our reality according to our thoughts. Being mindful of our thoughts and only choosing the ones that move us in the direction of our truth is a key skill. As is noticing when we haven’t done that and shifting to a better thought. It’s a foundational choice. Happiness takes some planning and effort. It requires us to change the old habits and create new ones. This is a key tool for how we do it.

✺ Frequently asked questions ✺

  • It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more.

  • It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more.

  • It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more.

  • It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more.

  • It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more.

  • It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more.